The importance of maintaining dental health during pregnancy
Oral and dental health of pregnant women should receive serious attention, even before marriage. This is considering the impact it can have on pregnancy. One form of concern for the dental health of pregnant women is by spreading information about the proper way to care for their teeth, from before pregnancy and during pregnancy. Maintaining the health of the fetus and baby is often the focus and priority of pregnant women (pregnant women). In fact, maintaining the health of pregnant women’s teeth is no less important to pay attention to.
This is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy, which are very susceptible to the emergence of various dental and mouth problems. Of course, if left unchecked, it can endanger their own health and that of the baby. This is because tooth decay or other mouth problems experienced by pregnant women can cause various conditions such as premature birth, low birth weight and preeclampsia. Maintaining oral health properly and regularly can be considered an important part of prenatal care so that dental health can be properly maintained.
Why is dental and oral health important for pregnant women?
1. During pregnancy mothers need nutritious food intake.
If a pregnant woman has problems with her mouth and teeth, her need to satisfy these foods will be disrupted, especially if shecaries or has porous teeth and cavities. The mother cannot chew food properly so that the fetus has less nutrition, and the baby experiences growth disorders in the womb.
2. Pregnant women experience hormonal change, both progesterone and estrogen.
The impact of changes in pregnancy hormones can affect oral and dental health. For example, pregnant women in the first trimester often vomit and drool excessively, feeling the urge to spit up constantly. If you do not diligently rinse your mouth and brush your teeth, germs and bacteria can easily grow, and bad breath (halitosis) and fungal or canker sores appear in the mouth.
3. Increased risk of swelling of the gums or bleeding of the gums.
This occurs as a result of softening of the tissue in the gum area due to increased hormones. Sometimes reddish swollen bumps appear on the gums, and the gums bleed easily.
4.Pregnant women are at risk of experiencing premature birth
Do not underestimate oral and dental problems during pregnancy, if a serious infection occurs, germs will enter the body, increasing the risk of premature birth. Not only that, cavities experienced by pregnant women can lead to gingivitis and cause bacterial infections. Well, the poison from these bacteria will then damage the gums causing the bacteria to enter the body and spread through the bloodstream.
5.Causes the appearance of infection in the fetus
Pregnant women who have an infection in the gums will have an impact on the health of the fetus in the womb. In this regard, the infection can be transmitted to the fetus through the placental blood stream. Bacteria spreading throughout the body will cause heart problems in the mother. More than that, the infection can be fatal to the fetus, such as a miscarriage.
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What precautions can be taken to maintain oral and dental health in pregnant women?
Today isFriends You fix zone You can maintain healthy teeth from before pregnancy, such as:
- Brush teeth properly and circularly brush movements carefully between the teeth. Brush teeth up and down and vice versa, down and up.
- Brush your teeth regularly with the appropriate toothpaste, twice a day and at night before going to bed.
- Avoid foods that are too hot, cold and sour and bite foods that are too hard.
- Avoid the habit of picking holes in your teeth, especially with unclean utensils. If there are cavities in the teeth, do treatment to the doctor.
- Have plaque or tartar cleaned regularly at the dentist. Six months before marriage, check your dental and oral health with the doctor.
During pregnancy,Friend You fix zone You can do dental care tips as follows:
- Use a soft toothbrush and the right size.
- When pregnant women vomit or often salivate, do not forget to rinse their mouth. Gargling can be done with warm water with salt. Gargling with warm water is also helpful in cleaning the remains of fat in the oral cavity and between the teeth.
- Choose toothpaste that does not stimulate allergies, especially for sensitive gums.
- Brush your teeth properly and use circular brush movements carefully between your teeth. Brush teeth up and down; and vice versa, downwards upwards.
- If there are health problems in the mouth that require using mouthwash, you should pay attention to the label on the packaging regarding contraindications for pregnant women. Pregnant women should consult a dentist when using mouthwash, especially to deal with bacteria that cause bad breath or clear acidity in the oral cavity.
- Consumption of fibrous fruits that contain a lot of vitamin C.
- Comply with calcium needs according to recommendations from doctors or midwives, especially from natural food sources.
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