The benefits of carrots for facial skin beauty
This brightly colored root vegetable is best known for being very good for eye health. Plus, the benefits of carrots are still many, including vegetables for cancer, heart health, teeth, and stroke prevention.
A serving of carrots or a medium carrot contains 25 grams of calories, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of sugar and 1 gram of protein.

Additionally, carrots also contain fiber, vitamin K, potassium, folic acid, manganese, phosphorus, vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc. Among these very high levels, carrots also have excellent benefits for the beauty of our facial and body skin. Therefore, the root extract is often used in a variety of products used to treat women’s beauty.
Of course, the beauty products used today have undergone a mixture of chemicals so that their properties are no longer very natural. Also, the long-term use of chemicals carries risks, especially if you don’t know which cosmetic ingredients are dangerous, for example the dangers of parabens in cosmetics.
To reduce this risk, it’s a good idea to try switching to natural treatments. For example, treating the skin with carrots that are very easy to obtain and have many benefits for the beauty of the skin:
1. Brighten facial skin
Adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables is one of the many ways to take care of your skin so that it does not look dull, apart from using moisturizer for dry and dull skin.
Apart from this, you can also use carrot and honey face mask to treat your face. Honey is not only effectivefor care face and skin, but also for lip care. How to make lips red and natural ways to make lips red can also berealized using honey.
2. Skin relaxation
Skin that is tired because it is often exposed to pollution, dust or stress from work and everyday problems can be treated with the benefits of carrots for the skin.
To do this, finely grind the peeled carrots with a blenderin paste thick. Then mix the carrot paste with a little rose water and put it in a spray bottle. Use it when the face is tired. The benefits of hot water for the face and the benefits of jicama for the skin can also have a relaxing effect on the facial skin.
3. Moisturizing face
Dry skin on the face can cause irritation and flaking of the skin. The potassium content of carrots can lighten the skin, because you drink carrot juice every day. Apart from the benefits of carrots for moisturizing the skin, the benefits of aloe vera for facial skin also have the same effect on the skin.
Read too: The raw food and its health benefits
4. Accelerates wound healing
Carrots have anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties and their vitamin E content can really help in healing wounds fast. Therefore, carrots are a way to get rid of scars naturally.
Wounds can be one of the causes of keloids and how to deal with keloids naturally and quickly the benefits of carrots can be used to improve the condition of the skin of the body to reduce the risk of keloids on scars paraître.
5. Removes spots on the skin
Acne scars on the skin or black the spots are sometimes difficult to remove and difficult to cover with light makeup. A rather thick make-up is necessary to correct these imperfections, the result is an unnatural appearance.
To make the face smoother, carrots can also remove skin blemishes such as dark spots and uneven skin tone.
Carrots can also be a way to get rid of blackheads due to injection contraception by using them as a mask for dry skin and blackheads.
6. Overcome an oily face
Excess oil can make the face shiny and it is difficult to maintain makeup for a long time because oil makeup fades very easily.
The causes are various, such as sleeping oftenalso consumed a lot, fried food, and others. Carrots are a way to treat an oily face.
Excess oil on the face can be corrected with a carrot mask mixed with honey and olive oil. Before smoothing, the carrots must first be steamed so that the texture becomes smooth. The rough texture of the mask makes your face look even oilier.
7. Prevent skin problems
The antioxidant content of carrots can prevent skin diseases other than acne, such as eczema, dermatitis, and rashes.
The benefits of carrots for dealing with itchy skin problems also have similarities to the benefits of cinnamon powder for the face. The benefits of yellow leaves for the face can alsoeczema problems defeat.
8. Whiten body skin, hands and feet
As one of the tips for naturally white skin, there are two ways to use carrotsas a softener for skin use:
- The first is to mix it with a body lotion. Each tablespoon of body lotion is mixed with a medium sized carrot which has been grated and then rubbed on the hands or feet for 30 minutes, thenrinse.
- The second uses carrots as a scrub. Take carrots and grind them with grated or using a blender. Then mixed with two spoonfuls of powdered milk, after a smooth mixture is used throughout the body. Leave to rest for about half an hour. It is best to do both treatments before showering to make cleaning easier.
9. Get rid of acne
The vitamin A content of carrots improves the digestive system of the body which also improves blood circulation in the body, reducing the risk of acne and reducing the inflammation of acne.
To get rid of acne problems, you can use several other ways, for example, using the benefits of mint leaves for the face.
10. Skin tightening
The vitamin C in the benefits of carrots for the skin helps to increase the production of collagen in the body so that it maintains the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
With simple methods such as drinking carrot juice and wearing carrot face masks regularly, you can increase collagen in the body and avoid trying more advanced and expensive solutions such as collagen injections, which cannot be separated from the risk of dangerous collagen. injections can get to your body.
11. Prevent premature aging
The level of beta-carotene in the body, which acts as a source of antioxidants, helpsaging cellular so that the skin becomes less prone to wrinkles.
Too much sun exposure is one of the causes of wrinkles in a youngage.Consume other carrot juice or use it as a face mask, carrots are a natural way to fight facial wrinkles and prevent premature aging of the face.
12. As an antioxidant
The colour orange of this root comes from its beta-carotene content, onesources antioxidantsIn the body. Beta-carotene absorbed from the intestine is converted into vitamin A through the digestive process. Antioxidants are also one of the beauty benefits of Moringa leaves.
Carrot skin care should also be supported by lifestyle and diethealthy,as well as a diligent exercise.
This treatment will not work optimally on your body if you are still deficient in food, nutrition and especially water, sleeping often at night, smoking and a series of other bad health habits.
So to get the desired results, your lifestyle must also support the treatment to give you beautiful skin.
Read too: The benefits of pineapple fruit for beauty, help shrink pores and brighten the face