Recognize the symptoms of work stress and how to overcome it
Stress due to work can not only reduce performance, but can also cause various health problems. Therefore, if you are a worker, it is important to know the symptoms of work stress and how to deal with it, so that this condition does not cause serious health problems.
spanning what work is common. However, this does not mean that it can be ignored. If not handled correctly, stress can cause a person to often experience headaches, stomachaches, difficulty sleeping, fatigue and the risk of injury at work.
To relieve stress, not a few people do unhealthy habits, such aseg snacking, excessive consumption of unhealthy food, drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, or even using illegal drugs.
If not addressed and left too long, stress from work can put a person at greater risk of experiencing a variety of serious health problems, ranging from obesity, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, to mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety disorders.

Symptoms of work stress
Symptoms of stress at work can be recognized by the presence of signs of physical and psychological complaints. These stress symptoms can be different for each person, depending on the level of stress they are experiencing.
In general, here are some signs and symptoms of work stress that are important for you to recognize:
Physical symptoms
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Pain, stiffness or stiffness in the muscles
- Drill bit
- Insomnia
- Decreased or increased appetite
- Often feel tired easily
- Decreased sexual desire
- Digestive Disorders, such as diarrhea or constipation
- Disorders of the skin, such as frequent pimples
Psychological symptoms
- Anxious
- Hopeless
- Pessimistic
- Feeling overwhelmed and helpless
- Easy to forget and difficult to concentrate
- It’s hard to make a decision
- Mood changes, such as irritability and sadness
- Loss of taste self confident
- Withdraw from social activities
In addition, people who experience stress due to work may also lose interest in work (burn out), experience reduced work performance, creativity and initiative in the work environment, and take more frequent days off.
It causes stress due to work
Stress at work can be caused by too much work demands. This workload can be: excessive working hours, assignments that are too much or above ability is, and lots of deadline or deadline work.
Apart from that, there are also several other factors that can cause a person to feel stressed at work, namely:
- Low salary orloon
- Lack of knowledge, ability or competence in the relevant field of work
- Supervision is too strict and excessive from superiors
- Boredom towards work
- Not obtaining adequate work equipment or facilities
- Didn’t get the opportunity for a career or promotion
- disharmony se relationship with superiors or co-workers
- Discrimination in the work environment
- Threat of contract termination or layoffs from the workplace
- Not getting appreciation from superiors
Besides, people who have qualities too perfectionist, also tend to experience more frequent stress in the work environment.
Dealing with stress at work
Stress is a normal part of life. Still, you can’t just let it go, okay? You still need to recognize the symptoms and causes of stress, and then deal with them as early as possible so that you can avoid the negative effects that can occur as a result of prolonged stress, such as severe depression.
Therefore, when you feel symptoms of work stress, you can try the following tips to deal with them:
Learn to manage time
If the stress you are experiencing is due to time management problems at work, you need to learn better time management. For example, avoid the habit of starting work when you are approaching a deadline or piling up work and working on it on weekends.
With good time management you don’t have to pile up work and bring work home, so that your work performance can be more efficient and consistent.
Talk to your boss or someone you trust
To deal with work stress, you can talk to your boss or HRD in your office. Avoid nursing stress alone as much as possible. You can also share issues that stress you with your partner or the people closest to you.
This is important to do so that you can get advice and solutions regarding the problems you face in your work environment.
Ask for time off
Has your work so far made you forget to take a vacation?and refreshing? If so, it might be time for you to ask for time off and take advantage of vacations. After you’re done on vacation, with a fresher and clearer mind, your productivity may increase.
When you experience stress due to work, you can also try to stop work for a moment to relax, for example by listening to your favorite song, taking a short nap, controlling your breathing or trying to stretch. You can do too still quitting for several times.
If the stress at work you are experiencing has hindered your work performance, health or even your personal life, it is a good idea to seek help from the psychologist. That way, you will get the right advice and tips to deal with the stress you are experiencing.