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How to improve digestion

Your digestive system is directly affected by the foods you eat and your lifestyle. By following these few tips, your digestive system will work more efficiently, which in turn can improve overall health.

1. High fiber foods

Eating a high-fiber diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruit can improve digestion. High-fiber foods can also help increase the movement of food through the digestive tract. This can reduce constipation risk.

2. Limit high-fat foods

Fatty foods tend to slow down the digestive process, making you more prone to constipation. So limit your consumption of high-fat foods.

3. Contains probiotics

Probiotics are healthy bacteria found in your digestive tract. They help keep the body healthy by fighting the effects of poor diet, antibiotics and stress.

In addition, probiotics can also improve nutrient absorption, help break down lactose, boost the immune system, and reduce irritability . A good source of probiotics for the body is low-fat yogurt.

4. Don’t forget to meet your daily water needs

Ofemployso much, to meet daily water needs. Because the daily water requirement ensures that the digestive system works properly. The released stool will be softer, so you will not suffer from constipation. Therefore, drink at least 8 glasses of water or 2 liters of water every day to maintain a healthy digestive system.

5. Avoid bad habits that affect the functioning of the digestive system

Alcohol consumption, caffeine consumption and smoking habits can impair the functioning of your digestive system and cause problems such as stomach ulcers. So avoid bad habits that can upset your digestive system.

6. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help reduce the weight check. A checked Weight can have a positive effect on your digestive system.

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Simple ways to protect your digestive organs

1. Eat natural foods to protect the stomach

Natural foods are foods that have not undergone any processing or to which no additives (additional ingredients) such as sugar or flavor enhancers have been added.Research Has shown that the Groceriesthe stomach before various digestive diseases can protect.

Conversely, eating processed foods is associated with an increased risk of digestive disorders. For example, added sugar and salt can increase the risk of intestinal inflammation, which can lead to leaky gut syndrome

2. Eat plenty of fiber to nourish the gut

An easy way to maintain digestive health is through eating. Fiber is useful for smooth bowel movements and reduces the risk of a number of diseases such as hemorrhoids, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Fiber intake can also balance the amount of gut bacteria and help you achieve an ideal body weight. To get all these benefits, don’t forget to include vegetables, fruits, and grains in your daily diet.

3. Consume probiotics to improve digestion

Probiotics are good bacteria that live naturally in your digestive tract. These bacteria help fight bad bacteria, keep gut cells healthy, and aid in digestion to keep the body healthy.

In addition, probiotics help to strengthen the immune system and increase the absorption of nutrients from food. You can increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut by eating foods rich in probiotics, like yogurt, tempeh, or kimchi.

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4. Drink water to support liver function

It’s not just useful for defecating checks. Drinking water is also a way to preserve digestive organs like the liver. This is because water helps remove toxins and eliminate treatment side effects that can affect liver function.

Water also helps stabilize the level of fluid in the blood. When you are dehydrated, the blood tends to thicken.It can affect the liver’s ability to filter blood and remove toxins in it.

5. Beconsume carefully medicine

One of the liver’s main functions is the removal of toxins and chemicals, including those found in medicines. Excessive drug use or drug use that does not follow recommendations can actually stress or even damage the liver.

Therefore, you should be careful when choosing any medication or dietary supplement. Always consult your doctor before taking any medication. Preventing drug use exceeds the administered dose.

6. Watch hours and portions of food

Another way that helps you take care of the digestive organs, namely notification hours and portions. This is because irregular and too many portions to eat can lead to an increase in stomach acid.

Try to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time whenever possible. Try it. Besides, yours Have a good meal. Portion 4-5 times with smaller ones to change portions so that the work of the stomach becomes easier.

7. Don’t smoke to keep the pancreas healthy

According to research in the journal Pancreatologyis theadult Smoking risky 1.5 times more likely to develop pancreatitis than non-smokers. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas Pancreas-Organ, which is acute or chronic. If not treated properly, pancreatitis can cause complications in the form of infections, malnutrition, and pancreatic cancer. The best way to prevent this disease is to keep the digestive organs healthy.

Healthy digestive organs function properly to allow the body to absorb beneficial nutrients. In addition, you are also protected from the risk of various digestive disorders. It’s never too late to take care of your digestive organs. Start with a balanced, nutritious diet, meet your water needs and follow the steps above to keep your digestive system functioning properly.

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