Guide to Consumption of Herbal Medicines and Supplements
Herbal medicine or herbal supplements can be an additional nutritional intake or alternative treatment. The following is a guide to the consumption of herbal medicines.
What are herbal supplements?

Herbal supplements are products derived from plants that contain one or more ingredients in the form of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, or other ingredients in concentrated amounts.
“Only the core ingredients are really needed. For example, turmeric, then only the dates are taken through extractions that have been tested and are free from other contaminants,” said Managing Director of PT Tunggal Group, Dr Hendra Gunawan in a press conference, Thursday (27/11). ).
Supplements aim to meet nutritional needs or provide physiological effects on the body.
Some popular herbal supplement products include mangosteen peel extract, ginseng extract, ginger extract, and temulawak extract.
Are herbs free of chemicals?
Herbs that go through a standardized production process produce herbal supplements that are free from chemicals, even though in the process they are processed using chemicals.
“In the capsule form, there are no chemicals, pure natural ingredients. The process is like helping filtering, using a little chemical,” said PT Tunggal Idaman Abadi’s Head of Sales Marketing, Dr. Maria Fatimah Deasy Gelu.
General Chairperson of the Association of Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Developers, Dr. Inggrid Tania explained, the dose of herbal consumption really depends on the type. Generally, every herbal supplement product has given a dosage and consumption dose. This dosage should be followed by the user.
“In fresh ingredients, the dosage is bigger but it is not standardized. Currently, in modern preparations or extracts in capsule form, there is already a dosage listed on each package, which must be followed,” said Ingrid.
What are the side effects of taking herbs?
Ingrid explained, excessive consumption of herbs or outside the recommended dose can cause side effects.
Side effects in the short term can include digestive disorders such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. In the medium term can interfere with liver function. In the long term can interfere with kidney function.
“Anything in excess must have side effects. More precisely, herbs have minimal side effects,” said Ingrid.
Illustration. Each herbal supplement product will generally be accompanied by a recommended dosage or dosage. (Pixabay/Mizianitka)
Is it safe to take herbs in the long term?
Although it has side effects, Ingrid stated, studies show that consuming herbs in accordance with doses is safe for the long term.
“Safe, has been proven for long-term use,” said Ingrid.
Who can and can’t take herbs?
The rules for taking herbal supplements are also found on the packaging. Generally, herbs can be consumed in people aged 12 years and over to the elderly, without contraindications.
Contraindications include people who are allergic to certain extracts or ingredients and also have blood clotting disorders.
“Generally herbs are blood thinning so you have to be careful,” said Ingrid.
In addition, people who have impaired kidney and liver function are also advised not to consume herbs. The reason is, herbs can make the kidneys and liver work harder, except for herbs that are specifically for the kidneys.
Can I take herbs with doctor’s medicine?
Ingrid explained, herbs can be consumed with doctor’s medicines that do not have contraindications. Consult a doctor first to determine the reaction of the drug.
“For example, herbs and doctor’s drugs that both lower blood sugar. Ask the effect and how it should be consumed,” said Ingrid.
Ingrid suggests giving one to two hours of consumption time lag when taking herbal medicines and prescription drugs. This is done to pause the resulting chemical effects.