Cyber Media Guidelines
Press Council Regulations
Freedom of opinion, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press are human rights protected by Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The existence of cyber media in Indonesia is also part of freedom of opinion, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press.
Cyber media has a special character so that it requires guidelines so that its management can be carried out in a professional manner, fulfilling its functions, rights and obligations in accordance with Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press and the Journalistic Code of Ethics. For this reason, the Press Council together with press organizations, cyber media managers, and the public have compiled the following Cyber Media Coverage Guidelines:
The Scope
of Cyber Media is any form of media that uses the internet and carries out journalistic activities, and fulfills the requirements of the Press Law and Press Company Standards set by the Press Council.
User Generated Content is all content created and or published by cyber media users, including articles, pictures, comments, sounds, videos and various forms of uploads attached to cyber media, such as blogs, forums, reader comments. or viewers, and other forms.
Verification and balance of news
In principle, every news must go through verification.
News that can harm other parties requires verification on the same news to meet the principles of accuracy and balance.
The provisions in point (a) above are excluded, provided that:
– The news actually contains an urgent public interest;
– The first news source is a clearly identified, credible and competent source;
– The subject of the news that must be confirmed is unknown and or cannot be interviewed;
The media explained to the readers that the news still needed further verification which was sought as soon as possible. Explanations are included at the end of the same story, in brackets and in italics.
After loading the news in accordance with point (c), the media is obliged to continue verification efforts, and after verification is obtained, the verification results are included in the update news with a link to the news that has not been verified.
User Generated Content
Cyber media must include terms and conditions regarding User Generated Content that do not conflict with Law no. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press and the Journalistic Code of Ethics, which are clearly and clearly placed.
Cyber media requires each user to register for membership and perform a log-in process first to be able to publish all forms of User Generated Content. Provisions regarding log-in will be further regulated.
In the registration, cyber media requires users to give written consent that the published User Generated Content:
– Does not contain false, slanderous, sadistic and obscene content;
– Does not contain content that contains prejudice and hatred related to ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group (SARA), and encourages acts of violence;
– Does not contain discriminatory content on the basis of differences in gender and language, and does not demean the weak, poor, sick, mentally handicapped, or physically disabled.
Cyber media has absolute authority to edit or delete User Generated Content that is contrary to item (c).
Cyber media is required to provide a complaint mechanism for User Generated Content that is deemed to have violated the provisions in point (c). The mechanism should be provided in a place that is easily accessible to users.
Cyber media is obliged to edit, delete, and take corrective action for any User Generated Content that is reported and violates the provisions of point (c), as soon as possible proportionally no later than 2 x 24 hours after the complaint is received.
Cyber media that have complied with the provisions in points (a), (b), (c), and (f) are not responsible for problems caused by loading content that violates the provisions in point (c).
Cyber media is responsible for User Generated Content that is reported if it does not take corrective action after the time limit as stated in point (f).
4. Correction, Correction, and Right of Reply The
correction, correction, and right of reply refer to the Press Law, Journalistic Code of Ethics, and Guidelines for Right of Reply which are stipulated by the Press Council.
Errors, corrections and or the right to reply must be linked to the news that is rectified, corrected or given the right to reply.
In every report on errata, correction, and right of reply, it is obligatory to state the time of loading of the errata, correction, and/or right of reply.
If a certain cyber media news is disseminated by other cyber media, then:
– The cyber media’s responsibility for news makers is limited to the news published in that cyber media or cyber media under its technical authority;
– Correction of news carried out by a cyber media must also be carried out by other cyber media citing news from the corrected cyber media;
– Media that disseminates news from a cyber media and does not make corrections to the news according to the cyber media owner and or creator of the news, is fully responsible for all legal consequences of the news that is not corrected.
– In accordance with the Press Law, cyber media that do not serve the right of reply may be subject to criminal sanctions of a maximum fine of Rp. 500,000,000 (Five hundred million rupiah).
5. Revocation of News
News that has been published cannot be revoked for reasons of censorship from outside the editor, except for issues related to SARA, morality, children’s future, traumatic experiences of victims or based on other special considerations determined by the Press Council.
Other cyber media must follow the revocation of news quotes from the original media that have been revoked.
The revocation of news must be accompanied by the reasons for the revocation and announced to the public.
6. Advertising
Cyber media must clearly distinguish between news products and advertisements.
Every news/article/content that is an advertisement and or paid content must include a description of .advertorial., .ads., .ads., .sponsored., or other words that explain that the news/article/content is an advertisement.
7. Copyright
Cyber media must respect copyright as regulated in the applicable laws and regulations.
8. Inclusion
of the Cyber Media Guidelines must include these Cyber Media Coverage Guidelines in the media in a clear and clear manner.
9. Disputes
The final assessment of the dispute regarding the implementation of this Cyber Media Coverage Guidelines is resolved by the Press Council.
Jakarta, 3 February 2012
(This manual was signed by the Press Council and the press community in Jakarta, 3 February 2012).