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6 Hip Fracture Symptoms to Watch out for

Any part of the bones in the body can be broken when there is an injury or certain medical conditions. Up to the hips. A hip fracture is a fracture that occurs at the top of the femur (thigh). What are the symptoms of a hip fracture and what are the causes? Check out the explanation below.

The severity of a hip fracture can depend on the cause. Broken bones can be serious when you’re old, and hip fractures are serious injuries that can make big changes in the sufferer’s life. Hip fractures can significantly impair physical activityand the life change. Most people who experience this condition lose the ability to live independently.

Also read:10 Types of Fractures to Watch Out For

The following symptoms can occur with a hip fracture:

  • Immobilized after a fall.
  • Extreme hip or thigh pain.
  • Inability to bear weight on the injured side of the leg.
  • Stiffness, bruising and swelling in and around the pelvic area.
  • Unequal leg length, usually the injured side is shorter than the other.
  • foot points upthe injuredleg side.

When a hip fracture immobilizes a person for a long period of time, there are several risks of complications lurking, namely:

  • Blood clots in the legs or deep vein thrombosis (DeepVein Thrombosis).
  • Decubitus.
  • Urinary tract infection.
  • lung infection.
  • Loss of muscle mass, increased risk of falls and injuries.
  • Heavy bleeding leading to shock.
  • Infection.
  • Lung infection.
  • Avascular necrosis, where blood flow in the thigh area is disrupted due to broken bones, causing the tissue around the thigh and hip to die and break down, resulting in years of pain.

In addition, individuals who have sustained a hip fracture have an increased risk of weakening the bone and falling, which puts them at greater risk of another hip fracture.

Read also: What is the healing process and medications for broken bones?

Causes and risk factors

Hip fractures usually occur when the pelvis is hit hard, such as when B. in a car accident or fall. Hip fractures can happen to anyone. Because bones weaken with age, fractures from falls from low positions can occur in older people. Hip fractures can occur from standing and twisting movements in people with very fragile bones.

In addition, there are also many risk factors for hip fractures, namely:

  • Women.
  • Age. The older the age, the easier it is to fracture a hip.
  • family history. For example, being thin or tall, or having a family member who had a broken bone.
  • Shecontain not enough calcium and vitamin D, which is important for strong bones.
  • Not active. Weight lifting exercises, walking can help strengthen bones.
  • Smoking.
  • Have a medical condition that causes dizziness or balance problems, or a condition such as arthritis that affects balance and movement.
  • taking certain medications, such as B.long-term steroids to treat asthma or COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Read also: Tips for Fractures to Heal Quickly

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